Recessed or surface grates 551installation manual

Recessed and surface aluminum entrance matting / grate frame installation guide (shallow mats)

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Installation Guide #551 Frames
Surface or recess mounting
Flat / recess aluminum mat frame profile
1. Prepare the floor recess

Prepare a recess in the concrete flooring where the mat will be located.
Preparing the floor for matting frame installation
2. Drill anchor holes

The mat frames should be secured to the concrete floor using anchor bolts into lead anchors that are set into the floor.
Drill holes in the frames at about 2 foot intervals for the bolts. Countersink the holes.
Set the frames into the recess at the appropriate locations to position the mat(s). Mark the hole locations on the concrete. Remove the frames and drill holes in the floor for anchors. Install the anchors using an anchor setting tool.

3. Secure frames in the recess

Reinstall the frames. Secure them to the floor with 1/8” x 1 ½” anchor bolts into the lead anchors.

NOTE: If necessary, shim under the frame sections so that the top edge of the frames is flush with the finished floor surface, and the frames are level.
Drilling anchor holes in the floor
4. Recheck all dimensions

Before the concrete sets, recheck that:
  • The frame sides are straight
  • The frame corners are at correct angles so the mat will fit properly
  • All inside dimensions of the frame are accurate according to drawing measurements
  • If the frame bows inward, use spreaders inside the frame until the concrete is thoroughly set.

    IMPORTANT: The grate is made to fit snugly into the frame according to the drawing. Manufacturer or distributor cannot be responsible for problems that result from improperly installed frames.
    Recheck size and allignment
    5. Protect the frame edges

    When the concrete has hardened, install plywood or other material in the recess to protect the frame edges from damage until the grate is installed.
    protect frame before mat installation