What to look for when shopping for commercial entrance mats

Entrance mats are used to minimize the spread of dirt and water inside the premises and provide a surface that is safe and slip resistant. They store moisture and debris at the entrance thereby keeping other parts of the building clean. Mats can also protect indoor surfaces from wear and tear. They also add a welcoming touch to interiors. By drying shoes they also provide safety in slippery surroundings. Scraper mats are mats that remove all kinds of particles from shoes. Other mats are composed of many rubber “fingers” to aggressively scrape shoes.
Things to consider when choosing the appropriate mat for your needs include…

TYPE OF MAT - how the mat is made and what material is it made of.
To choose a mat that is right for your application you should ask yourself a few questions:

What is the purpose of the mat?
Where is it going to be placed?
How will you be using it?
Answering these questions will help you determine which features are important to get the desired effect and the best performance for the money you are about to invest.


  • Open or solid (Do you need the mat to drain water or contain it?)
  • Cleated or smooth (Will it be put on a carpet or hard surface?)
  • Vinyl or rubber (Will it call for a special feature that only one or the other would offer?)
An open-back mat is suitable for an area that will accumulate a good amount of snow and/or rain. The open back will allow the fluid to flow away from the surface of the mat keeping the mat surface dry. A mat that has a backing is better for places that have more debris than moisture. Debris will stay inside the mat until it can be removed. Cleats or nubs on the back of a mat enable it to grab the flooring underneath such as carpeting. The purpose here is to keep mat movement to a minimum while helping mat to lie flat. Vinyl is a less expensive backing that is suitable for just about all situations.

  • Carpet-like smooth surface
  • Scraper Carpet-like – given some texture for scraping action
  • Rubber/vinyl entry mats
  • Aluminum grates – usually with strips of matting

  • Raised Beveled Edge
  • Flat Edge
  • Carpet Edge
  • Vinyl Edge
  • Raw Edge
Different kinds of edges on mats are recommended depending on what is needed of the mat. If the mat will be indoors on top of nice flooring, it should hold water and debris with its edges. If the mat needs to dry quickly and surrounding floors are not in danger of becoming damaged by moisture, it should have a flat edge to allow off-flow. A carpet edged mat is nice for a more polished look. Vinyl edges usually allow flow-off of moisture but can also be dyed to match the rest of the mat. A mat that has no finish to the edge (or raw edged) is useful when it will be installed with the edges un-exposed.
Extended article about edge types HERE
  • Inside the building
  • Outside the building
  • In a vestibule between two doors
  • Down in a recessed pit.
Where an entrance mat will be placed for use determines the features it will need to have. The material it is made of, how thick it is, whether it drains or holds water…these are some of the important things to consider when choosing a mat based on where it will be laid.
Extended article about categorizing mats by placement HERE
  • Residential-single family or multi-unit
  • Corporate Office Building
  • Manufacturing Plant
  • Hospital or Airport
  • Hotel
  • Retail Store
The type of building where an entrance mat will be used will determine what kinds of mats are necessary. The amount of traffic, the type of environment surrounding the entrance and the purpose of the building are important to consider when selecting an appropriate mat for the entrance.
Extended article about matting by type of the business HERE